Posts Tagged ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

I felt myself crossing the line. But is there even a line to cross anymore? Does it even matter? Batman is dead, right? And I’m sure as hell no longer the Robin…” – Tim Drake

After Christopher Nolan launched his last Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, a lot of people are left in the air speculating who and what kind of hero John Blake would be after being given the keys of the Bat Cave and Bruce Wayne’s “death”. Not to mention what kind of story the next possible movie would have… Upon watching it, I had a lot of creativity boiling up… So far, this is what I’ve come up with.

Just a friendly reminder: This is just a rough layout of the story and will be modified as soon as I finish the whole thing. My apologies for having wrong grammar and other technical grammar mistakes. But nevertheless, I hope you’d find it interesting.

This story happens after 2yrs after Batman’s heroic sacrifice to save Gotham from Bane, Talia Al Ghul, and their fanatic followers. John Blake was now in charge of the Batcave w/c he acquired shortly after Batman’s death via Bruce Wayne’s wishes for him to be the new face of justice. He now assumes the role of Red Robin, a crime fighter who was named as the new Batman of Gotham. Blake spends most of his time training his body and mind the same way Bruce was when he initially joined Ra’s Al Ghul’s League of Shadows. He eventually masters several martial arts, overcomes his fears by using the Scarecrows FEAR gas on himself, and manages his own small company w/ the money Bruce left him and also was a “independent” detective working directly for Commissioner Gordon. During this time, Bruce’s old friend and butler decided to help John and became his personal assistant and conscience mentor. Teaching him that, like Batman, the Red Robin’s path will never be easy and that their will be a time when he’ll need to sacrifice more than what he could imagine.

Working alongside new ally and Batman’s former weapons provider Lucius Fox, Blake tries to cope up w/ the Batman Legacy and vow to protect and serve Gotham at all cost. Fox eventually modifies the Red Robin armor similarly to Batman’s armor. He also gave John new weapons such as the grappler, taser guns, and a metal stick which John uses the most during his fight w/ crime. In addition to making a new computer simulation training called Augmented Reality Training in order for John to enhance/sharpen his skills a bit more. He then offered Fox to be the CEO of his new company while managing it’s RND department. A deal that Fox declined at first because he already knows what kind of work he will be doing in that given position… But after seeing that John is a splitting image of what Bruce was, he accepted it but in 2 conditions: John should never use guns and he should not kill anyone.

Although the crime rate was already going down to an all-time low since Batman’s regime as the Dark Knight, the streets are still far from safe. Also, most of the prisoners who escaped during Bane’s decision to empty both the Arkham Asylum and GCPD prison were still hiding from the police and some may have also been hired by various mob lords and gang leaders. With the alarming number of criminals captured and the Arkham Asylum facility was already above the threshold of numbers of people it could take in, Gotham’s new Mayor, Sebastian Hady, who was a corrupt official who just wanted fame and money, publicly announced the construction of the world’s first super-city like prison and psychiatric hospital, Arkham City, in order to make room for the increasing number of criminals captured.. The project was set to be finished in a year’s time, eating a chunk of Gotham’s area in order to achieve the prison’s blue print. Mayor Hady assigned the a transfer personnel named Dr. Hugo Strange to handle the super-prison’s development w/ the assistance of Police commissioner Jim Gordon. John saw this move a bit fishy and decided meet up w/ Gordon later that evening. Both men sensing that it this might get out of control and Red Robin advised him to just keep low while uncovering Strange’s real plot because nobody really knows who he is. Hugo then informed both the mayor and Gordon that he will need medical equipment for diagnosing and studying the criminal’s mind. Allowing him to profile each super-criminal’s psych profile and what rehabilitation program would suit them best. Mayor Hady then extended his full support and ordered Gordon and his men to participate on Dr. Strange’s needs.

Just shortly after their short pep talk, a guy called up Commissioner Gordon and asked him to play a game of Question and Answer. GCPD cops tried to tap in and trace the caller’s current position but the trace result went back to Jim Gordon’s phone.  The caller told him if he won’t be able to answer his question correctly, one of his cops will be found dead tomorrow morning. Gordon played the game but failed to answer the question and the morning after that conversation, cop’s body was found on top of the Gotham Police Department with a green “?” imprinted on his chest. Alfred, who was watching the news earlier that day saw the incident felt alarmed. He immediately advised John to investigate it since it maybe a handiwork of a supercrimnial. Hugo Strange, who also saw the incident via TV, smiled on and said: “It is about to begin.”
John then went to Gotham main and tried to investigate the problem w/ the help of Gordon and the GCPD. The only clue that they found was a piece of paper with the words: “”Crime is a global issue, Red Robin. And just like the Batman, you’ll never stop it” If you know the answer to this, meet me in the subway 12am tonight… Or another cop is going to die.”  While the GCPD cops are busy figuring out what it means, John copies it and then returns to the Batcave. Alfred talks to him and tells him that this might be the work of the Joker. They decided to call Gordon to find out if the psycho got out but the commissioner advised them that the Joker is still in their prison’s high level security cells and is in solitary seclusion. Despite not being able to find the answer to the riddle, Red Robin decides to show up in the designated meeting place and sees this man in a green suit w/ a cane. He told the man that he can’t escape but the man was smart enough to tell him that the whole place was rigged w/ semtex and one wrong move, the whole place will go down. Robin used the batarang but it just went through the villain. The man then told him that this was just a test of courage and the hologram disappears while leaving another paper scribbled w/ another Riddle: “My intellect towers over yours, Red Robin. I wonder if you’ll ever solve this riddle? If you do, you will save the rest of the kidnapped police officers… If not, their blood is in your hands. You have 48hrs to find the answer.”

Red Robin returned to the Bat cave that night trying to figure out what it was but to no avail. He then asked himself what Batman would have done if he’s in the same situation. A day after the incident John then went to Gotham’s biggest library in order to search for clues and answers. He then bumps into this new town girl and asks him if he knows where the GCPD office was. John decides to drive her to GCPD since he was also on the way there to ask the commissioner if there were any sightings, leads, and clues to who this mysterious man was.  It turned out that the girl was Jim’s daughter, Barbara Gordon, who came to live in Gotham City in search for the Batman. The commissioner then told her that the Batman already died but they now have a new “vigilante” in town similar to what the Batman was. Barbara then asked her father to let her stay for at least 6months in Gotham in order make a study on who the Red Robin is and the vigilante’s goal was. The commissioner seemed a bit reluctant at first but then approved of it but in 1 condition: She will stay in the same place where John lives for the time being. They then drove to John’s place, which near Bruce’s former mansion. Alfred immediately greeted them and prepared dinner while John gave Barb a tour of the palace. During their dinner, they talked about how Gotham progressed since after the heroic acts Batman during Bane’s invasion. John smiled and said to her that things will be better in time. He also told stories on how he met Batman and the close calls he had during their subsequent revolution against Bane’s army.

Before that day ended, the TV shows were interrupted by another frequency which featured a big “?” insignia in the background. John, Barbara, Alfred, and a lot more (including Hugo Strange) were watching the telecast and they saw a silhouette of guy while it verbally taunts the Red Robin. The mysterious guy then told the public that 3 cops will die if the riddle wasn’t answered at exactly 1am. The TV then flashes light and John immediately saw the coordinates on where the next meeting place would be. After the whole thing happened, Barbara was also intrigued on what the riddle was and asked John if he knew anything since she already knows that he was working for his father. In someway, Barb and John where able to decipher the answer and later that night, Red Robin met w/ the mysterious man. He presented the answer to the question and the mysterious guy was impressed. He released 2 of the 3 prisoners and told Red Robin that his name is the Riddler and that the madness is just starting. Fireworks blasted and the Riddler was once again gone. Leaving another big “?” insignia and another riddle: The true sign of justice in this city has been well and truly buried. Solve this riddle and meet me in a week.”

John knew he had to dig in deeper on who this Riddler guy was. He conducted an investigation alongside some of Gordon’s men in the sewers and subways of the city. The clues led them to a mansion of one of the wealthiest businessman in Gotham, Roman Sionis. Roman was one of the few people who rivaled Bruce’s status and fame but didn’t quite got up to the same level. Bruce also saved his company from being bankrupt and from that day on, he harbored a grudge (and still has even knowing that Bruce Wayne already “died”) against the millionaire and anyone related to him. This is because, not only did Bruce outlasted/outshined him in everyway, he also saved him and his company from it’s inevitable downfall. Gordon was aware of their history but it still wasn’t clear to him and John on why the Riddler’s tracks went straight to his mansion… After an exhausting investigation of the mansion and Q&A with the businessman, Gordon and the GCPD found Roman not guilty for any association w/ the mischievous narcissist. The GCPD released Roman and he returned to his mansion. Just after he closed the door, a guy wearing green costume asked him if everything went out as planned. He answered the man that everything went smoothly and ripped out his “face”, revealing his true identity as the most feared mob leader in Gotham, The Black Mask. Then the guy in green announced that the 2nd phase was about to begin.

John still conducts his own investigation via the net and Barb once again asked him if he needed assistance in tracking down the Riddler. He acknowledged that he needed help. John assigned her in look into the Riddler’s riddle and if it had anything related to Gotham’s judges and police heroes. Lucious then entered the office and advised him that “the project” was already good for field testing. Barb heard the conversation and asked John what Lucius meant about “the project”. John then looked to Lucious for a second and told her it was some sort of thing regarding Bruce’s old innovation of the nuclear powered generator they’d use in order to supply unlimited power throughout Gotham. The two t went out and this left Barb puzzled on what’s really happening. Even though left w/ doubt, she continued to do research then found clues by going around the mansion and realizing that the true face of justice in Gotham was the Batman. She also saw somewhere near the area, which was the place where the Waynes were buried, that Bruce Wayne was buried the same time Batman “died”.  Meanwhile in the batcave, Lucius introduces John to his new toys: A modified version of the bat pod which has the capability to float over rivers and a sonar generating device he attached to the Red Robin suit’s helmet which could track down the Riddler’s true location when he uses the hologram frequency when they meet up again during the week. John then discussed to Lucius the possibility of telling Barb who he really was and what he is though Lucius just told him that everything has their own time. The hero then looked into the Red Robin suit for the meantime as a flashback of his conversation w/ Batman spurred on and he remembers what the Dark Knight told him about wearing a mask in order to protect the ones he treasured and loved while Lucius looks at him and returns to the office.

The Black Mask held a meeting w/ various gang leaders of Gotham in his secret base. He announced that the cops and Red Robin can’t take them all out and told them that w/ the help if the Riddler, they will conquer the entire city and stop Mayor Hady’s plan of creating the super prison. All of the sudden, the Riddler shows up on top of their meeting table and told them that he will help them but also made it clear that if anyone thinks that he’s working for the Black Mask, they are sorely mistaken. He also announced to the group that he has control of this plan and considers himself the boss over everyone. As the mobs (including The Black Mask) then protested violently, took out their guns, and started shooting at his hologram, he then asked them a riddle which caught their attention. The riddle was: “What silent killer of the oceans can be found in a tiny jar? If you don’t get it, you soon will!” while holding some sort of switch as he smiles upon them. They immediately realized that they were standing on top of a glass-based floor in which separates them from sharks. The leaders then decided to agree to the Riddler’s terms since they realized that he was only helping them because he wanted to see the intellectual limitation of the Red Robin and the GCP while knowing that he also has the switch to the floor’s opening function that may send them down to the shark infested aquarium like fish bait. The Riddler then pressed the switch and confettis fell from high above. He also told them that it was an easy riddle and the next time someone would try to challenge him again, the threat will be for real. The hologram then ceased communication and the Black Mask was a bit angry. He shot the receiver disc of the hologram while stating that this wasn’t over and he was still in control. Unknown to the mob and Black Mask, The Riddler was actually just in the upper floor of the Black Mask’s secret base. Knowing that there was already a growing tension between both sides, he decides to leave and create his own base on his life savings and from the money that Roman gave to him in order for his ideas to bring down the whole GCPD and Robin come into fruition. But he would still work w/ the Black Mask until he achieves his ultimate goal.

War on the streets continued as the Black Mask and several other gangs ravaged the city while the GCPD tries to hold up their own against this surgically coordinated mob war. The Commissioner decides to escalate this to the mayor in hopes of having the Dent Act reinstated due to these dark times. Despite his best efforts, his request was denied because the mayor strongly believed that Dent was a criminal as previously stated by Bane when he read the Commissioner’s supposed to be public apology. Meanwhile in John’s home, Barb still kept silent about the things she was speculating and tries to dig in deeper to John’s history because she strongly believes that he was affiliated with Gotham’s Dark Knight. She was also worried that John maybe in a lot of trouble and wanted to help out. As lunch was served that day, Alfred and Barb were the only ones in the dining room since John was out in Gotham, investigating the whereabouts of The Riddler. She asked Alfred about John and what he was like. Alfred just told her that John was a man of honor and justice… He said that John would have been a hero if he was given the suit and technology to fight crime. Then she asked him more personal questions though Alfred just told her that he and John just  a year ago and he doesn’t know a lot about his personal life. But Alfred did made a run through on how amazing a detective John was and how he served the people of Gotham while working under Commissioner Gordon. One thing that struck Barb was when Alfred told her that John will risk his own life just to see to it that she was safe and taken care of. As they were still talking, John then enters the room w/ a rose and happily presented it to Barb. She asked what that was for and he told her it was kind of gesture that he normally does when he gets to know a new girl. The two started laughing while Alfred looked on, remembering the time he saw Bruce and Selina together in some fancy restaurant. After the short laughs, Barb then presented to the young detective her deductions on the Riddler’s riddle. She showed him what could solidify her answers… John was amazed on how she got to know these facts and decided to use it when he meets up w/ the narcissistic madman later that night.

GCPD officers still tried to continue the war against the crime and there were too many criminals detained in the police headquarters, the mayor then decides to open half of Arkham City. He then designated Hugo to lead a team responsible of transferring the worst prisoners in GCPD. Despite being reluctant w/ the mayor’s decision, Commissioner Gordon cooperated w/ Hugo in order to complete the given task so that they can achieve a bit of order in Gotham city. He then assigned 3 officers, which included his best cop Frank Boles, to watch and spy on Hugo during the duration of his tenure as Arkhan City’s head. The mayor also called for a private conference w/ the heads of GCPD and presented to them a new project that would revolutionize their police squad’s efficiency. The mayor introduced to them the soldier known as Project Azrael, who was former Gotham City police officer Jean-Paul Valley.  He also showed the officials a video tape of what Project A can do and this would be the future of the entire police force. The Commissioner looked a bit angry; pointing out that the project will just make the police more like cold blooded killers instead of human beings trying to maintain the peace in the streets. Mayor Hady then advised him that necessary casualties should be made during dark times and in order to achieve full peace, criminals should be either apprehended or if they fight back, they will be eliminated. The more they fight, the bigger the threat they would present against the society. Hearing this, the Commissioner decided to walk out of the meeting and demo due to his disgust towards the mayor’s logic on why he initiated the project. He went to his office where he just sat down and thought about what he can do to convince the mayor that this wasn’t the right thing to do. Meanwhile at the meeting, the other police officials agreed to deploy Project Azrael in the streets as a testing phase to see if the promising enhancement would be efficient enough. The mayor then gave Azrael the go signal and the soldier just disappeared after he throws black smoke into the ground.

As the Red Robin once again meets up w/ The Riddler in a different area within the Gotham tunnels, he was ambushed by the Black Mask’s men. Even though the numbers game was against him, he managed to defeat the armed men just to be shot in the shoulder by the Black Mask himself. As he flees for his life, he tries to call Alfred in his codec receiver and asked him send the Bat pod for his quick escape, the Riddler then cuts in to the transmission and started to play mind games on him. Robin’s pursuers where suddenly ambushed by an unknown person who pulls out a sword and starts hacking them. The Riddler then gave him new coordinates on where to meet up… and that place was in the old GCPD Headquarters which was trashed by the Joker years ago. Despite being injured and losing blood, Blake was able to arrive in the former police station and deliver the right answer as the last hostage was released… But he didn’t expect what would happen next. The Riddler strapped semtex on the hostage’s chest which was protected by a mini computer w/ a mini video camera and hearbeat scanning function. This left the Red Robin w/ 2 choices: In order to fully guarantee the safety of the hostage, he should solve the puzzle correctly w/in 96hrs or take off his mask in public, turn himself in to the police, and acknowledge that the Riddler towers over everyone else in regards to intellect. If he tries anything stupid (like ask for help or lie to him) or if he wouldn’t be able to answer the riddle, the Riddler will remote detonate the bomb w/c would cause a lot of damage and destruction in Gotham as he reveals that there are also other bombs planted w/in the interior parts surrounding the city. He also explains to Robin that the camera is needed in order to let him see where they are going. As his hologram once again disappears, Robin is now a bit now questioning himself if he can really defeat such criminal w/c possesses such great intellect and technology. The fact that The Riddler left him w/ the hostage is already a big notice that the Riddler will really do anything to know who he really was and reveal it to the public. He decided to blind fold the hostage and locked him up in a closed room somewhere inside the Batcave until he finds the answer to the new puzzle. If that fails, he has to find another way w/o revealing his identity.

Only a few hours before morning comes and just a few minutes after John’s arrival, Alfred became more concerned on John’s state of mind and his physical condition. He initiated a conversation w/ the distressed hero in attempts to calm him down. John’s tension was high because he has never faced a criminal as smart and as cunning as the Riddler in his past 2yrs as the Red Robin. Alfred then reminded him on what his mission was and also said the same words of motivation he told Bruce when Batman was up against the wall w/ the Joker. He also suggested that John should get a partner or at least someone who can assist him w/ intel and information, pointing out that their house guest might be the best choice. Even though John agreed, he was still reluctant in enlisting Barb as a partner because of the dangers it might cause her. Not to mention his personal feelings for her might also compromise his mission to protect Gotham. As their talk comes to a close, Alfred told him that it might only be a matter of time before Barb realizes who he really was. Unknowingly, Barb was walking in the hallway when she overheard the last part of Alfred and John’s conversation… She then enters the room and told them that she bought breakfast for everyone. John turned his back and breathed out a sigh of relief.

-End of part 1-


Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake/Red Robin:
John Blake is a GCPD police promoted to detective under Commissioner Gordon who played a vital role during Bane’s reign of terror in Gotham. He assisted Batman in saving people and provided him the intel he needs in order to defeat the tyrannical villain. After Batman’s heroic sacrifice, he left John the keys to the Batcave in order to be the next caped crusader in fighting crime. As the Red Robin, he has dramatically made an impact in lowering the crime rate in the city. Rendering Gotham as one of the most safest cities in the United States alongside Metropolis.  But as months of peace passed by, he now faces probably one of the most terrifying criminals since the Joker.

Emma Stone as Barbara Gordon:

After the Two Face and Joker incident in the city, Commissioner Gordon advised his family to leave the city for their own safety. After several years, his daughter went to Gotham in search of the Batman. Barbara was highly interested on how this masked avenger manages to do what he does despite the fact that people mark him as a vigilante who killed their real hero, Harvey Dent. Barb is a highly intelligent girl who has the affinity for solving identities and criminal actions. She also has feelings for John but still isn’t sure about it because she knows that he’s hiding some sort of secret from everyone that surrounds him.

Johnny Depp as The Riddler:
Rare would you see a villain that could match or even outwit the Red Robin both in action and plots. The Riddler is one of those people who has the ability to inflict massive damage on a hero’s mind due to his amazing strategies. The only big flaw on his character is his desire to prove that he’s better than everyone else, leaving a calling card on what his next motives would be. But what’s astonishing about his is that he doesn’t do it for power or money… He does it to prove that no one is safe and that even The Red Robin would eventually fall because he couldn’t reach the same level of intellect The Riddler has. This motivates him to do create even under handed and devious tactics such as surgically planting bombs all over Gotham and kidnapping innocent people just to catch his attention. He is also affiliated w/ The Black Mask who shared the same goal in humiliating the Red Robin and provides him w/ the neccesary technology to achieve their own gain.

Ed Harris as Roman Sionis/The Black Mask:

Roman Sionis is an accomplished businessman almost comparable to Bruce Wayne. Despite the two being long time acquaintances, Roman harbored a grudge against his fellow millionaire and vowed that he’d be better than him in every way. This drove him mad and resulted to his company being bankrupt because of making indecisive investments. Bruce still showed class and saved his company by buying it out and eventually returned the rights to him. Instead of being grateful, Roman harbored more rage because of this. He then carved his own facial skin and assumed the role of the Black Mask. W/ this persona and the money that his company has been generating, he became the most feared and respected mob leader in Gotham. Even though he was aware that Bruce already died, he still continued his reign of terror and set his eyes on eliminating the Red Robin. He also has a fragile partnership w/ the Riddler and provides him w/ the needed technology in order to achieve their mutual goal in taking down Gotham’s hero.

Paul Bettany as Jean-Paul Valley/Project Azrael:
Once a GCPD cop who excelled in fighting crime, Jean Paul Valley was the first to be used for the new test phase on creating the perfect cop/crime fighter. As Azrael, he acquired vast intellect and has almost the same traits as Batman does. The only difference is that Azrael is willing to kill criminals if this leaves him no other choice. He’s fully equipped w/ guns and blades w/c are provided by Mayor Hady himself. Despite knowing that he is working for the law, he’s inner self is still struggling on finding the truth regarding why he was chosen and why he was acting the way he does. He also considers himself working alone and does not ally himself w/ any other vigilante hero in Gotham.

Philip Seymour-Hoffman as Mayor Sebastian Hady:
Ever since Mayor Anthony Garcia’s death during Bane’s assault in Gotham City, Vice Mayor Hady was chosen to take his place. Sebastian played his part very precisely. He was known to the public as a just and righteous politician though he has ties in the underground mob world. As time passes by, he becomes more corrupt by releasing prisoners and letting them work w/ the mob in exchange of wealth. He also commissioned the rise of Gotham’s future super-prison/high-level psychiatric hospital and rehabilitation center, a highly revised version of the Arkham Asylum which is named Arkham City.

Mark Strong as Professor/Doctor Hugo Strange:
As plans for building the new Asylum began, Mayor Hady enlists Professor Hugo Strange the asylum’s head director. Strange is a great psychologist who’s speciality was w/ psychiatric management of criminals and planning for each prisoner’s rehab program. In Hugo’s eyes, every single person in this world suffers from a disassociate order w/c results on why criminals act the way they do. He was also the same person who created the Azrael project w/c in turn left a mark of impression to the heads of the GCPD. Despite all these great accomplishments and future plans, it seems that he has other interests on why he went to Gotham. Plans that Commissioner Gordon wanted to know by planting moles in Hugo’s project.
Recurring characters:

Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth
Morgan Freeman
as Lucius Fox

Gary Oldman as Commissioner Jim Gordon